
by Brad Brizek
Brad Brizek
Photograph - Digital Photograph
This is from the White Sands National Monument, just outside of Alamogordo, NM. The white sand is actually made of gypsum (the stuff in drywall), which is nice, because it doesn't corrode cameras and cars when you drive out to see it!
If I could recommend one bit of gear when going out to see this place it would be: sunglasses. The sands are as white as snow and with 300+ days of sun a year, it is extremely bright.
The monument is over a hundred square miles in area and in order to get a clean shot of the sand with no footprints, you have to walk over the dunes for awhile.
This is the top of a plant that I've seen grow up to 6-9 ft tall. As the dunes move with the wind, the plants get engulfed by the sand. This one was all by itself on top of a massive dune, living out its solitary life with nothing for hundreds of feet around it.
December 13th, 2014